Monday, January 20, 2020

Science Fair Reminders

The science fair is this Wednesday, January 22. For students to participate, they need to have their finished trifold, logbook, and any other project components in the Hawksnest before the 9:08 bell on Wednesday morning. Students who ride the bus will need to find another way to get their trifolds to school as trifolds are not allowed on the bus. Trifolds that are brought on Tuesday can be stored in classrooms until setup time on Wednesday morning. We ask that students please bring their trifolds to the Hawksnest as soon as they arrive at school Wednesday morning, then they can go outside to play. After attendance, participating students will return to the Hawksnest and stay at their projects for the majority of the day. (They will still have their regular breaks for recess and lunch, and will also need to be in their classrooms for afternoon attendance.) Students who are unable to demonstrate appropriate behaviour in the Hawksnest will be asked to return to their classrooms and disqualified from the science fair. Parents are invited to walk through the science fair any time from 9:20-3:25, excluding recess (11:00-11:15) and lunch (12:30-1:18). At 3:25, students are asked to move their trifolds into the conference room for judging. We will let the students know early next week who will move on to the city science fair and give them more information then. 

A lot of students till seem to have questions about logbooks. There is excellent information about logbooks as well as other project components on the city science fair's FAQ page: which all students are encouraged to thoroughly read. Thank-you!

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Instagram project

The class has been busy working on a project featuring Instagram posts of the various physical regions in Canada. After researching, they drew a picture that epitomizes the region. Then they wrote a description of the region including a reason to visit the particular tourist attraction. Students are working hard to ensure their writing contains descriptive words rather than a list of features. 

In Health, we are learning about the impact of alcohol on the brain. After some discussion, students came up with ways to say "no" to underage drinking. Each child is in the process of writing an autobiography. They interviewed a parent or family member to find out more about their birth and have begun writing their personal story. Next week, the children will start on their early years. In Math, the class is acquiring strategies to memorize multiplication facts. They are practicing their facts through games and songs. This week we reviewed the process to multiply 2-digits by 1-digit. Students are encouraged to memorize facts up to 9 x 9 to make solving multiplication and division problems much easier. 

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Science Fair Update

All participating students should now have picked up their trifolds from Mrs. Leong in the school office and have their research and/or experiment well underway. A reminder that the Hawkwood School Science Fair is on January 22nd, coming up quickly. If students have any questions, or if their focus/topic has changed, they need to come and see either Mrs. Swinton or Ms. Drummond. 

All students need to bring their trifolds, log books, and other materials to the Hawksnest the morning of January 22nd, not before. Remember to make plans to get your trifold to school that day as they are not allowed on the bus.