Monday, March 30, 2020

Check Your E-mail

Hi Grade 5 Families,

Please keep an eye out for an email from me this afternoon outlining some of the next steps for our learning adventures. I will also be phoning families over the next couple of days to check in and respond to any questions from the email. You need to know that you are missed at school but we are really excited about what lies ahead for us and will be sharing details with you through this coming week.

Ms. Raude

Friday, March 20, 2020

Spring Break

The past week has been a quiet one at school. I'm missing all of you and hoping you are all doing well. Enjoy the time you have off next week for Spring Break. Explore some of the things you love to do like reading, drawing, playing music, yo-yoing (is that a word?), building, etc. If you want to do some school activities, there's some ideas here. I'm going to spend some time with my dog Willow, learn some new piano pieces, start running again and FaceTime with my friends and family. Have a good break and I can't wait to see you all again!
Just doing some light reading!

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Glenbow Field Trip

In order to learn more about Canada's history and the people who first lived here, the Grade 5 classes went on a field trip to the Glenbow. Students examined artifacts to see how cultures and ways of life of Aboriginal people differed across the country. They discussed how natural resources, climate and landscape all contributed to the types of food they ate, the clothing they wore, houses they built as well as the tools and art they created. After becoming experts on the ways of life in the north, east, south and west, students were able to inference which area specific artifacts were from.

food container


Students began designing and building their Rube Goldberg machines last week. Their design must have an end purpose and contain a circuit as well as a simple machine. In Math, we continued working on long division as well as practicing multiplication facts through games. Most students would benefit from additional practice with both. Each student has an account through Xtra Math ( and Prodigy ( which they can use to keep up their multiplication and division skills. Students began developing an expository (informational) paragraph on a topic they know a lot about. They had to include an introductory sentence followed by 3 supporting details and a concluding statement. Some of the topics chosen were Minecraft, the importance of breakfast and safety. In Art, the children began creating a zentangle, which is a drawing with a lot of different textures in each section.It's extremely quiet here at school and I am missing you all! Stay healthy everyone.

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Science study guide

Electricity Study Guide
1. Dangers of electrical scenarios
2. Closed and open circuits
3. Conductors, insulators
4. Symbols used for drawing diagrams of circuits
5. Reading electrical meters; how electricity is measured
6. How magnets and electricity are related; magnetic fields

Friday, February 21, 2020

Skiing & Snowboarding

Grades 4-6 have spent three days so far at COP learning/practicing their skiing and snowboarding skills. The kids said they learned to "skiboard"(ski on one ski), jump into a turn, turn 360 degrees, carve as well as practiced how to fall down and get back up. They liked their instructors and have had a blast out on the hill.

In Science, the class has been very engaged in building circuits and learning how to draw symbols for switches, power sources and lights. The children have wrapped up their autobiographies, created a title page and assessed their own work. Next, we will be looking at writing different types of paragraphs such as persuasive, narrative and expository. In Math, the class has begun learning division strategies to support solving 3-digit by 1-digit problems. Students finished up their lost (Perdu) animal posters last week and they will begin learning vocabulary related to clothing in French. Today we had a kick off assembly for Pink Shirt day and discussed how we can be kind. Further discussions around this and bullying will happen in the classroom. Be sure to wear your pink shirt on Wednesday! 

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Inchy Art

Over the past month, the students have worked on creating a collection of mixed media pieces featuring the six regions of Canada. Each picture is 3 inches by 3 inches and combines a variety of materials such as foil, tissue paper, watercolours, cardboard, fabric paint, drywall filler and glitter. When the pieces are complete they will be mounted onto cardstock as a collection.

Students continued to work on writing their autobiographies in Language Arts. In the weeks ahead, they will edit their own pieces as well as one of their peer's pieces of writing. The children practiced 2-digit by 2-digit multiplication by solving word problems. They also wrote a multiplication test on Thursday. We wrapped up the Social Studies unit on the physical geography of Canada. The children used their research to compare two different regions using a Venn diagram. Students began exploring the topic of electricity and magnetism in Science. The final project was introduced to help the class understand how they will need to apply their learning. In groups of 4, they will be creating a Rube Goldberg machine that will feature an electrical circuit and simple machine(s). All Grade 5 classes went to C.O.P. for their first day of skiing and snowboarding on Wednesday. They did a great job listening to their instructors and following directions. The kids are really looking forward to the next ski/snowboard day in a few weeks.

Monday, January 20, 2020

Science Fair Reminders

The science fair is this Wednesday, January 22. For students to participate, they need to have their finished trifold, logbook, and any other project components in the Hawksnest before the 9:08 bell on Wednesday morning. Students who ride the bus will need to find another way to get their trifolds to school as trifolds are not allowed on the bus. Trifolds that are brought on Tuesday can be stored in classrooms until setup time on Wednesday morning. We ask that students please bring their trifolds to the Hawksnest as soon as they arrive at school Wednesday morning, then they can go outside to play. After attendance, participating students will return to the Hawksnest and stay at their projects for the majority of the day. (They will still have their regular breaks for recess and lunch, and will also need to be in their classrooms for afternoon attendance.) Students who are unable to demonstrate appropriate behaviour in the Hawksnest will be asked to return to their classrooms and disqualified from the science fair. Parents are invited to walk through the science fair any time from 9:20-3:25, excluding recess (11:00-11:15) and lunch (12:30-1:18). At 3:25, students are asked to move their trifolds into the conference room for judging. We will let the students know early next week who will move on to the city science fair and give them more information then. 

A lot of students till seem to have questions about logbooks. There is excellent information about logbooks as well as other project components on the city science fair's FAQ page: which all students are encouraged to thoroughly read. Thank-you!

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Instagram project

The class has been busy working on a project featuring Instagram posts of the various physical regions in Canada. After researching, they drew a picture that epitomizes the region. Then they wrote a description of the region including a reason to visit the particular tourist attraction. Students are working hard to ensure their writing contains descriptive words rather than a list of features. 

In Health, we are learning about the impact of alcohol on the brain. After some discussion, students came up with ways to say "no" to underage drinking. Each child is in the process of writing an autobiography. They interviewed a parent or family member to find out more about their birth and have begun writing their personal story. Next week, the children will start on their early years. In Math, the class is acquiring strategies to memorize multiplication facts. They are practicing their facts through games and songs. This week we reviewed the process to multiply 2-digits by 1-digit. Students are encouraged to memorize facts up to 9 x 9 to make solving multiplication and division problems much easier. 

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Science Fair Update

All participating students should now have picked up their trifolds from Mrs. Leong in the school office and have their research and/or experiment well underway. A reminder that the Hawkwood School Science Fair is on January 22nd, coming up quickly. If students have any questions, or if their focus/topic has changed, they need to come and see either Mrs. Swinton or Ms. Drummond. 

All students need to bring their trifolds, log books, and other materials to the Hawksnest the morning of January 22nd, not before. Remember to make plans to get your trifold to school that day as they are not allowed on the bus.